Happy Lunar New Year
To celebrate and learn about the Lunar New Year, children took part in assemblies and workshops throughout the day.
To celebrate and learn about the Lunar New Year, children took part in assemblies and workshops throughout the day.
Medal Winners at the Panathlon Challenge!
Year 2 have been learning about bridges during their recent design and technology lessons.
The Friends of Roger Ascham, our PTA, brought our school community together for our Winter Fair before the end of term.
6A raised money for a local food bank that supports families in need.
We sang Christmas carols at 17 & Central alongside local care home residents and our very own Dad Band.
Supporting local people who are having to make the choice between eating or heating their homes this winter.
Ancient Egyptian Shabtis
Our budding palaeontologists
The Walthamstow Wetlands provide a brilliant local resource to support our children's learning.