Our Year Group pages will be moving to this site soon. In the meantime, please follow the link below:
Welcome to Reception's page. Here you will find information about what we will be learning and when. We will also share important messages, things you can do to support your child at home and give you a taste of what we have been up to.
Message Board
End of Term: Thursday 19th December (School day ends at 2pm - There is NO after-school club)
Please share a book with your child every day.
Please practise counting 1-20. You could do this on the way home: counting cars, buses or friends from school. Spot the number games like finding the number 7 on buses, door numbers, car numbers etc.
Class Timetables
Include timetable for each class in year group
Curriculum Overview
This shows what we will be learning throughout the year. You can get more detail by visiting the curriculum pages on our website.
Latest News
Include photos and short stories about trips, events or learning to share.