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Instrumental lessons in the Autumn Term

 15th September 2020


Dear Parents/Carers,


Would you like your child to learn how to play a musical instrument in the Autumn Term?


Children who are inYear 2 and older can receive instrumental lessons at school. We can offer children the opportunity to learn to play the piano, drums, guitar, violin, cello, trumpet and trombone. If you would like your child to have lessons in school this term, now is the time to sign up. Children who were previously having lessons in the Spring Term will have missed three missed lessons due to the school closure in March. Any money already paid - such as for the Summer term or the three missed lessons - will be credited towards the cost of lessons this term. If you do not want them to continue this term, the money for any outstanding lessons will be refunded.


We will ensure that the lessons are delivered safely by strictly following the government’s Covid-19 guidance. The lessons are taught by visiting instrumental tutors, employed by the Waltham Forest Music Service. They are all excellent musicians and teachers and have passed the necessary DBS checks. Please be aware that if there is not sufficient interest in a particular instrument, we will no longer be able to arrange a tutor.


We are offering a block of 11 lessons, starting in the final week of September and running through the Autumn term. Children will be taught individually for 20 minutes per week. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer group lessons this term. The total cost for the term will be £156.  If a family is entitled to receive free school meals, we can subsidise this cost. Please speak to the office for more information.


If a child is learning to play the violin, cello, guitar or a brass instrument, they will need to bring their own instrument along to lessons. Instruments can be hired from Waltham Forest Music Service. The music tutors will provide the forms and information when your child begins their lessons. For children learning the piano or drums, the school instrument used will be cleaned between each lesson.


If you would like your child to receive instrumental tuition in the Autumn term, please make payment for the lessons using ParentPay before 28th September 2020. You will be able to select which instrument you would like your child to learn at the point of payment.


Please understand that lessons missed due to a child's absence from school cannot be refunded. You will be able to decide whether or not to continue with your child’s lessons at the start of each new term.


If you have any questions regarding these lessons, please do get in touch by emailing


Yours sincerely,


Mr Desoer

Deputy Headteacher 
