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Newsletter April 23rd 2020 Free School Meals; Learning and Reading Online

Free School Meals

We continue to provide free school meals during the closure for Covid-19. If your child is entitled to benefits-related free school meals then we are able to provide you with either a cooked daily meal to take away from the school kitchen or a weekly bag of groceries that you can prepare at home.


If you or your partner have experienced a change in your financial circumstances due to Covid-19, you may now be entitled to apply for free school meals for your children.

Your child will be entitled to free school meals if you or your partner get any one of a wide range of income based benefits including Universal Credit. Full details of eligibility and how to apply can be found by searching in  Google - Waltham Forest free school meals.



Seesaw is a new Virtual Learning Environment.  We want to use it to improve communication between teachers and pupils while they are learning at home.


Teachers are currently contacting  parents to get permission for your children to use Seesaw. The teacher will ask for the parent's email address. You will then be sent an access code that you give to your child so they can use Seesaw. Teachers will post work for your child on Seesaw - your child will be able to ask their teacher direct questions,  post their work in their folder that their teacher can see and receive direct, personalised feedback. You will be able to see everything sent to and from your child - you will not be able to see other children's contributions or messages sent from the teacher to another child. All communication between teacher and child will be written or recorded - there is no live chat or video link. Children will not see one another's work or comments. I've been really impressed with the way our teachers and children have been using the school website to carry on learning over the last few weeks but I have no doubt that the use of Seesaw will improve communication and increase the level of personalised, focused feedback from teachers to pupils.


Seesaw is fully GDPR compliant. However, we need your authorisation for your child to use it. Please be aware that currently the Seesaw server is based in the USA - we have requested that we switch to a UK based server as soon as possible.


Accelerated Reader at Home

Most children in the school use Accelerated Reader - software that helps guide them in the books they choose to read and helps their teacher monitor their reading progress. We have now purchased access to myON reading. This will give all pupils access to digital copies of over 7000 books that they can choose from to read at home. Your child's teacher will be sending home user-names and passwords - as soon as they get them, children can start reading.


My very best wishes to you all


M Hanks
