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PE News

We have decided to put all PE News in one place. Please keep checking this page for news on races, photos and trip information.

Ascham Falcons Flash Again

The First Fling by Orla Dogra


On Friday 7th June a Major League Baseball ceremony was held in Roger Ascham Primary School. People flew all the way from America to London to celebrate the opening of this baseball pitch. These people were proper MLB players! People from different classes played on the pitch with the MLB players.


Year 6 and Year 5 all the way down to Nursery sat on the field and watched Dillon, in Year 4, cut the rope as everyone cheered in delight, but what made everyone laugh and smile were the mascots  Mr Met and Mrs Met (supporting the New York Mets) and Phanatics (supporting the Phillies). By the look on people’s faces the favourite mascot had to be the Phanatics with his classic belly roll. 


The part that made people feel proud of themselves was when people found out who had won the reading challenge held by the MLB company. The winners were 5A and 4B. As a result of them winning, the children in these classes were given baseball caps signed by the players.


Dillon was asked to speak at the ceremony and said, “Baseball is a good and very fun, active sport because you get to move around a lot and are able to have a go at everything,” 


The most popular highlight of the day is when Phanatics kissed Mr Hanks (the Headteacher of Roger Ascham Primary School) because it made everybody laugh including Mr Hanks himself…but it didn’t stop his face going red. 


The day went really well and it was a great day of celebrations. Everyone enjoyed it and had great fun.


Quad Kids

Kickboxing grading March 2022

Table Tennis - Year 5 and 6

Year 5 and 6 Sportshall Athletics competition 2021.


Across the borough, 434 pupils took part from 22 schools.  

Congratulations RAPS you came 3rd place! 

A fantastic team effort from every one of our athletes. We're really proud of you:)

Table Tennis Competition


Ms Ashraff completed the London Marathon 2021

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Please send your photos to


The donation pages will remain open until the end of this half term to welcome any further donations.

Year 5 Bikeability Training

London Landmarks Half Marathon

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20 months ago I found out I was running the London Marathon to inspire the children at Roger Ascham to believe that they can do anything they put their mind to and focus on fitness. I threw everything into it: training, racing, joining the children’s sports clubs. But then lockdown happened and I ate lots of ice cream and didn’t do a lot of training. Well here we go again... my first half marathon is done and I have another in 3 weeks. Thank you to the children and parents supporting me. My medals and progress will be on display in school in September and I will post regular video updates here. You may even see me before school running with Luna around the park.

Year 3 - Football Tournament

“I cried when England lost, but I am happy we won today!” - Amie

Year 3 - Mile A Day

Year 6 - Bouldering at Yonder

A fantastic taster session of bouldering today. Wow, we had everyone try out various routes and levels, conquering their fears of heights and of climbing. Well done Year 6!! 


