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Science lessons at Roger Ascham will draw children’s attention to the world around them. They will develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and an understanding of how science can be used to explain, predict and analyse what occurs. Pupils will develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding; learn to work scientifically; and understand the uses and implications of science, historically, today and for the future.


The children will ask questions about the world around them and use scientific processes such as observing, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, carrying out controlled investigations as well as researching through the use of secondary sources.


Solving problems requires specific knowledge. Teachers will ensure that practical experiments deepen pupils understanding of scientific concepts by teaching the knowledge and skills required to understand the processes they are investigating. Each series of lessons will explain knowledge and concepts and also enable the children to enquire and learn through experience. In other words, our science curriculum aims to find the delicate balance between knowledge built by generations of scientists and scientific enquiry.

In UKS2, children develop a deeper understanding of a range of scientific ideas. They explore and talk about their own ideas, asking questions, and designing enquiries that can be used to answer them. As they encounter more abstract ideas, they recognise how this helps them to understand and make predictions about the world around them. They draw conclusions based on data and observations gathered or obtained from secondary sources and justify these with evidence.

In LKS2, children use different types of scientific enquiry to answer their questions. They make increasingly systematic and careful observations, taking accurate measurements using standard units. They appreciate when a simple, fair test is necessary and become involved in making decisions around how to carry out their enquiries. They notice changes, patterns, similarities and differences. They begin to draw simple conclusions.

In KS1, children learn about the world by experiencing and observing it. They are encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. They begin to recognize that these questions can be answered by carrying out scientific processes. They use simple features to compare. They use simple equipment to gather data and begin to record this.
