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April Newsletter

Dear Parents,


Start and End of the School Day

At the moment we expect the school times to return to normal on 21st June.  In the meantime please make sure that you arrive on time to deliver and collect your children.


Start and finish times are clearly signposted at each gate and on the school website.


It’s still important that in school we keep children from different year groups apart from one another, this includes on the playground at home time. Please play your part in helping us achieve this.


In line with the gradual relaxing of lockdown restrictions it is now acceptable for children to be collected and brought to school in mixed groups. This is already making some of your lives a lot easier – mixed groups of up to 6 or of 2 families of any size are now considered to be safe.


I think it is also reasonable to now allow children in years 5 and 6 to come to school and go home on their own if parents choose for them to do so. We will need written permission from a parent to allow this to happen and this will only apply to children in years 5 and 6. ALL other children will need to be collected by an adult. Older children in 5 and 6 cannot yet take responsibility for walking home compliantly with their younger brothers and sisters.


Mr Bellot

Our longest serving member of staff is our caretaker, Mr Bellot. He retires on Friday and I’m sure you will want to join me in sending him our very best wishes for a long, happy and peaceful retirement. Mr Bellot has served our school community for over 30 years.


On Friday the whole school will be coming together (still in our year group bubbles!) for a celebratory lunch to say thank you and farewell. Lunch is likely to be served slightly later than normal on that day. You may wish to send your child to school with a sensible mid-morning snack (eg a banana) on that day.


Many thanks and best wishes,


M Hanks

