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End of Year July 2022

Dear Parents,


I write to send you all my very best wishes for a safe and happy summer holiday.


To our Year Sixes (WITH THEIR RECORD, BEST EVER SATs RESULTS!!) who are moving on to secondary school, we say goodbye and wish you all every success and happiness in your new schools. We look forward to your visits and hearing all about your new adventures.


We also bid farewell to our Site Service Officer Mr Fraser, who has worked in Waltham Forest for 20 years – most of it with us I’m glad to say– and is retiring at the end of the summer. We thank him for working so hard over the years and helping us all; we wish him a well-deserved, long and happy retirement.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to and helped organise our carnival/picnic. The family picnic is one of my personal highlights of the year; as always, the event was lively and brilliantly supported. You all helped create the friendly inclusive, relaxed atmosphere and the weather was perfect – with the heat thankfully holding off until later that afternoon.


The new school year starts on Monday 5th September. Please make sure that all children return in full school uniform including plain black school shoes.


In the mornings, the gates open at 8.45am and close at 9am. All children must arrive during this time and be in class by 9am when the gates will be locked.


School ends at 3.10pm for the infants and at 3.15pm for the juniors.


Children who have had their 10th birthday will be able to come to school and walk home on their own but only if we have written permission from the child’s parent. Please find Mrs Oyak or Mrs Bain at the school gate and ask for the form to complete if you would like this to happen. These children’s younger brothers and sisters still need to be brought to school and collected by an adult.


Have a very happy summer holiday – see you all on September 5th!


M Hanks

